Whale Exposé

Going back to SeaWorld, this article will explain many reasons why the whales at this location are NOT being treated correctly. This article is called “‘This is not right’ Former SeaWorld trainers recall killer whale treatment”, it discusses the way whales are treated in SeaWorld. This article states that not just whales, but other animals in SeaWorld were being affected by having chlorine-infested tanks, cramped environments, and sunburns. It tells us that the tanks are filled with too much chlorine, which might cause the animals to get arthritis, or too become permanently blind. Many people blame the whales for being aggressive towards human, however they are doing this out of frustration. The whales eventually become frustrated since they have to remain in a cramped and unsafe tank. The environment might not be the worst cause of the frustrations, some whales start to feel distressed since they are forced to leave their mothers back in the ocean. This is just a small portion of the problem, there are many other reasons why having whales, or any other other animal, being trapped in cages is extremely harmful.

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